Governors Cymru
Governors Cymru is a unique, independent support service in Wales that provides a range of services for school governors. Our mission is to inspire and promote effective school governance so that all volunteer governors are well supported to deliver their many responsibilities.
Governors Cymru offers a subscription-based package which includes access to a wealth of information on the roles and responsibilities of school governors, to keep you up to date and compliant, as well as saving you time and providing excellent value. This includes a support line, a user-friendly website, high quality online guidance, advice, and resource information, e-bulletins and briefing sessions, and much more. Â Additional services are also available.
Learn more about Governors Cymru
All of our newly placed governors in Wales have the opportunity to sign up to the Governors Cymru database to receive welcome support material from Governors Cymru and 3-months’ free access to some of their support material and information as they start their governor journey.
Open University Wales
Thirty hours of free, bilingual learning for school governors is now available on OpenLearn from The Open University in Wales. The flexible nature of OpenLearn allows these courses to fit around the many commitments of a busy school governor.
Three Badged Open Courses provide an opportunity to enhance school governors’ knowledge and skills in Leadership, Teamwork and Inclusive Education. Learners can log on and learn when it suits them and choose whether to complete the full collection or a specific course that interests them. Courses can be completed individually or used as reflective exercises to learn together as a group of governors.
To explore these new resources head to and look in ‘Education in Wales’.
Teamwork: an introduction for school governors
Governor Reflection Resource
The aims of these case studies, presented here in a redacted form, are to: prompt reflection about the kinds of issues governors may encounter in their role; provide insights on how governors have addressed issues; stimulate conversation and information sharing across governing bodies. There are three broad themes of case study: those providing examples of good practice; those that highlight the challenges of governance; and, those that reveal how governors can get things wrong or run into problems.Â

Rights, Respect, Equality: Support for School Leaders and Governors in Wales
In September 2020 the Welsh Government launched Rights, respect, equality: statutory guidance to assist school governors, staff and relevant professionals working within a school environment in developing and implementing anti-bullying policies and strategies.
The Welsh Government is funding Kidscape to provide support to school leaders and governors to embed the guidance and improve their anti-bullying policy and practice.

Anti-Bullying Alliance
The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying.
They have created a free online anti-bullying training course aimed at governors in Wales.