Governors for Schools yn dathlu ei 100fed lleoliad gwirfoddoli yng Nghymru

Stori Llywodraethwr: Dyma Nader Rameshni yn myfyrio ar ei rôl newydd. Dywedwch ychydig wrthym amdanoch chi’ch hun Rwy’n gweithio i Deloitte ym maes ymgynghori yn y sector cyhoeddus ac wedi bod gyda’r cwmni ers tua thair blynedd. Cyn ymuno, roedd gen i yrfa amrywiol yn y sectorau cyhoeddus a…

Governors for Schools celebrates 100th volunteer placement in Wales

Governors for Schools is delighted to share the fantastic news that we’ve just placed our 100th volunteer governor in a Welsh School, marking an exciting milestone in our recent expansion. To celebrate, we caught up with Nader Rameshni, one of our newly placed Welsh governors, to hear about his first-hand…

Governors for Schools Enjoys Enlightening Day at Schools and Academies Show

The Schools & Academies Show 2022 took place on 27th April at ExCeL, London for the first time in over three years. Governors for Schools are pleased to have attended the event in person and shared our important mission with a receptive and enthusiastic audience. The show’s return to London…

‘All, pupils, every ambition: Enriched education’ governor story: Felicia Johnston

How can governors support neurodivergent children to thrive? How can schools prepare children for an increasingly digitised employment landscape? What are some of the most rewarding aspects of becoming a governor? In this fascinating and wide-ranging interview, we chatted to Felicia Johnston, Assistant Project Manager at Haringey Council, to discuss…

Enriching experiences for every child

This week’s ‘All Pupils, Every Ambition’ article has been guest-written by Fabienne Crocket, UK Cost of the School Day Practitioner at Child Poverty Action Group. In it, Fabienne explores the economic barriers some children face when it comes to accessing culturally enriching experiences, as well as how governors and…

Speakers, guests, and visits: The importance of learning beyond the classroom

Connecting students with opportunities outside the classroom is essential for broadening their horizons and developing their skillsets. Organising school trips and inviting speakers to deliver workshops exposes pupils to cultures, communities, and forms of knowledge they are unlikely to encounter in the classroom. Sometimes, a single school trip is enough…

Questions for discussion: Enrichment in secondary schools

Assessing the quality of your school’s educational enrichment strategies involves working alongside other governors to collect accurate information from staff members. To help you gather valuable information that drives productive board discussions and improves educational provisions, we’ve put together some questions you may wish to pose to senior school leaders.

Questions for discussion: Enrichment in primary schools

Assessing the quality of your school’s educational enrichment strategies involves working alongside other governors to collect accurate information from staff members. To help you gather valuable information that drives productive board discussions and improves educational provisions, we’ve put together some questions you may wish to pose to senior school leaders.

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