Long read: Governor Stories: Wellbeing One Year On – Vinny Wagjiani (Part 2)

A couple of months ago, we heard from Vinny Wagjiani, Chair of Governors at Leechpool Primary School about his board’s efforts to improve staff wellbeing. In the latest instalment of our wellbeing governor stories, Vinny explains the board’s approach to supporting student wellbeing and promoting success. Leechpool Primary School is…

Darn darllen byr: Yn falch o fod yn cefnogi Ysgolion yng Nghymru ers 2020

Yn Wythnos Elusennau Cymru eleni, rydym yn dweud diolch i’n gwirfoddolwyr ymroddedig sy’n cefnogi ysgolion ledled Cymru.  Ers lansio ein gwasanaeth recriwtio llywodraethwyr yn 2020, rydym wrth ein bodd ein bod wedi helpu i benodi 137 o wirfoddolwyr ar fyrddau ysgolion yng Nghymru. Roedd ehangu Governors for Schools i Gymru…

Short read: Proud to be supporting Schools in Wales since 2020

This Welsh Charities Week, we’re saying thank you to our dedicated volunteers who support schools across Wales. Since launching our governor recruitment service in 2020, we are delighted to have helped appoint 137 volunteers onto school boards in Wales. The expansion of Governors for Schools into Wales marked an exciting…

Short read: Busting myths and misconceptions about bullying

Virtually everyone knows someone who has experienced bullying. As mentioned in our launch article, bullying behaviours are endemic across the education system, with almost a third of school leaders reporting that child-on-child abuse occurs at least twice a week in their schools. Despite the high prevalence of bullying, myths…

Short read: What does an effective anti-bullying strategy look like?

This week’s ‘Board Against Bullying’ article has been written by Mark Holliday, Deputy Head of Education Inclusion & Participation in the London Borough of Wandsworth. Mark is the anti-bullying lead in the borough and provides anti-bullying policy and practice support to schools and educational settings. Mark also sits on the…

Short read: How can governors tackle online bullying in schools?

School bullying patterns have evolved in recent years. While forms of abuse such as verbal teasing and physical bullying still take place, some of the most upsetting and threatening forms of bullying occur online – a phenomenon commonly known as cyberbullying. According to recent stats from the Office for…

Short read: Introducing ‘Boards Against Bullying’

Governors for Schools is delighted to announce the launch of our latest campaign, ‘Boards Against Bullying’, in conjunction with anti-bullying charity Kidscape. With almost 30% of school leaders reporting that non-physical and physical forms of bullying occur at least twice weekly in their schools, we believe it’s time…

Long read: Governor Stories: Penny Catchpole, Chair of Governors, The Westgate School

As part of our ‘Boards Against Bullying’ campaign, we caught up with Penny Catchpole, Chair of Governors at The Westgate School, an all-through school in Winchester, Hampshire. Read on to discover how Penny’s board has tackled bullying incidents and continues to nurture an inclusive, safe school environment. About me…

Mae Governors for Schools a Gwasanaethau Governors Cymru yn lansio modiwl e-ddysgu newydd ar gyfer llywodraethwyr newydd a darpar lywodraethwyr yng Nghymr

Mae Governors for Schools a Gwasanaethau Governors Cymru (GCS) yn falch o lansio modiwl e-ddysgu dwyieithog i gefnogi llywodraethwyr newydd a darpar lywodraethwyr yng Nghymru.  Cafodd yr adnodd ymsefydlu newydd ei ariannu’n hael gan Brifysgol Caerdydd a’i ddatblygu ar y cyd â Governors Cymru Services. Pwrpas y modiwl newydd yw…

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