The journey from Inadequate to Outstanding

Langford Primary School is in a deprived area of London, sandwiched between very affluent areas. Five years ago, the school was Inadequate. At the end of last year, Ofsted visited and judged the school Outstanding. We asked Chair of Governors, Dominic McGonigal, to give us the inside story. How…

Meet Jonny Atkinson, Events Manager at University of Liverpool

‘When I first heard about Governors for Schools I was interested in getting more involved with a local school – but I wasn’t sure about what I could bring to the role, or if I was really qualified to be a school governor. I decided to go ahead and started…

Guest post: How can governors support LGBT inclusivity in schools?

In this guest blog, Sidonie Bertrand-Shelton, Head of Education Programmes at Stonewall, outlines the questions governors should be asking to make sure schools are LGBT inclusive – and why inclusivity in schools is vital. Our work won’t be finished until every child and young person is accepted without…

How universities can drive school improvement through governance

Our CEO Louise Cooper talks about how universities have the power to improve schools both locally and nationally by encouraging their staff and alumni to volunteer as school governors. Louise spoke at The University of Manchester’s ‘Making a Difference’ awards celebrating the success of their school governor initiative, and considers what…

Training for school governors – why it’s important and where to find it

School governors that have undertaken training are important for a successful board. Many new volunteers are first time governors with no previous experience of working in education, so training is essential. While new governors learn on the job and become more confident with every meeting, training can help bridge the…

The Impact School Governors Have On The Gorse Academies Trust

Anne McAvan is a Director with responsibility for governance at The Gorse Academies Trust in Leeds. It’s Anne’s role to make sure each of the Trust’s local governing bodies are working effectively and governors are well-equipped for the role. We spoke to Anne to find out how the governors…

Ealing governor recruitment event

Join us on Wednesday 27th March 2019 from 6pm – 8pm at Ealing Town Hall to find out more about becoming a school governor. You’ll have the opportunity to meet representatives from local schools and see how your skills could benefit their governing board. Find out more: RSPV:…

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