How can governing boards benefit from having self-employed people as governors?

As part of the ‘All pupils, every ambition: Future work’ campaign, we are pleased to introduce our newest article, kindly authored by Careers Collective. Sharing their personal insight into becoming a governor, as well as supporting schools with career education development, they showcase the value that self-employed people can…

All pupils, every ambition: Future Work governor case study: Colin Ferguson

Governors for Schools believe that careers education is crucial for the long-term success of young people. School governors are in an excellent position to be able to support school leadership teams to build a career provision that is robust and enables all students to meet their potential. There are many…

Questions for discussion about Careers Education – Secondary

In order to help you learn about your school’s current provision, we have suggested some questions you may want to consider asking. The questions could form the basis of an individual discussion with a designated staff member responsible for careers or be part of a collective discussion at a governing…

Questions for discussion about Careers Education – Primary

In order to help you learn about the current careers provision at your school, we have suggested some questions you may wish to consider asking. The questions can form the basis of an individual discussion with a designated staff member responsible for careers or be part of a collective discussion…

How can you support schools to develop links in the world of work and business?

Volunteering as a governor can be an opportunity to forge links between local businesses and schools. As a governor, you can support schools by ensuring careers education remains high on the agenda. Knowledge of the local labour market and sources of support that schools can access, is a great…

Gweithredu yn erbyn bwlio

Mae bwlio yn bryder difrifol i blant yng Nghymru. Dyna pam rydym wedi ymuno â’r elusen gwrth-fwlio Kidscape yr Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant hon (7-13 Chwefror 2022), i dynnu sylw at wybodaeth ymarferol a chyngor ar yr hyn y gall llywodraethwyr yng Nghymru ei wneud i gymryd camau yn erbyn…

Taking action against bullying

Bullying is a serious concern. That’s why this Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022), we’ve teamed up with anti-bullying charity Kidscape to highlight practical information and advice on what governors in Wales can do to take action against bullying. You can also find further resources for governors on…

Governor case study: trainee solicitor Adam Youngman

We recently caught up with Adam Youngman, trainee Solicitor at Allen & Overy, who volunteers as a school governor in his spare time. Adam has kindly shared with us some of his views about school governance and why careers education is so important in our society. Adam is one of…

Remote governance – what this looks like 12 months on

We introduced remote governance last year to tackle the diversity and skill shortages throughout the sector. Remote governance allows for at least a minority of board members to attend meetings remotely. There’s no expectation that they will visit the school regularly, if ever. If a school is struggling to locate…

Link Governor for Careers and Work-Related Learning Secondary – role description

Are you interested in becoming a link governor for careers and work-related learning in a secondary setting? This document gives a brief description of the role and outlines some of the main areas of responsibility. It is a statutory requirement that secondary schools: Appoint a Careers Leader Comply with the…

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